

The dependencies for microbenthos are:

  • python3

  • numpy

  • scipy

  • fipy

  • sympy

  • cerberus

  • click

  • pyyaml

  • h5py (and libhdf)

  • tqdm

  • matplotlib >=2.1

  • logutils


Install MicroBenthos using either:

pip install microbenthos

Or using:

pip install git+

Source install

The sources for MicroBenthos can be downloaded from the github repo.

You can either clone the public repository:

$ git clone git://

Or download the tarball:

$ curl  -OL

Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:

$ # If using conda...
$ conda env create -n microbenthos -f microbenthos/requirements.yml
$ conda env activate microbenthos
$ cd microbenthos
$ python install

Development install

MicroBenthos uses pytest to run automated unit testing. If you want to run the included tests, then install the test requirements:

$ pip install microbenthos[test]

To run the tests, change to the tests directory of the source tree.

$ cd microbenthos/tests
$ pytest .

MicroBenthos currently includes 250+ tests of its API entities.

MicroBenthos documentation is rendered using sphinx. To generate the documentation from the source tree, install the docs requirements and then run the build command.

$ pip install microbenthos[docs]

$ # change to the docs directory of microbenthos
$ cd microbenthos/docs
$ make html