Source code for microbenthos.dataview.base

import abc
import logging

from fipy import PhysicalField
from import numerix as np

[docs]class ModelData(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract Base Class that encapsulates the model data from a simulation, and provides a uniform interface to access elements in the nested hierarchy. """ PATH_DEPTHS = '/domain/depths' PATH_TIMES = '/time' ENTRY_ENV = 'env' ENTRY_EQUATIONS = 'equations' ENTRY_MICROBES = 'microbes' ENTRY_MICROBE_FEATURES = 'features' ENTRY_IRRADIANCE = 'irradiance' PATH_IRRADIANCE_CHANNELS = '/'.join([ ENTRY_ENV, ENTRY_IRRADIANCE, 'channels' ]) def __init__(self, store = None): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.debug('{} initialized'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) #: the root data store self._store = None #: numerical array of the model clock times self.times = None #: numerical array of the domain depths self.depths = None #: Set of data paths for equation variables self.eqn_vars = set() #: Set of data paths for equation process expressions self.eqn_processes = set() #: Set of data paths for equation source totals self.eqn_source_totals = set() #: Set of data paths for equation var actual density self.eqn_var_actual = set() #: Set of data paths for equation var expected density self.eqn_var_expected = set() #: Set of data paths var (expected - actual) self.eqn_var_difference = set() #: set of data paths for microbial features self.microbe_features = set() #: set of data paths for irradiance intensity channels self.irradiance_intensities = set() #: mapping of aliased to real path self.aliased_paths = dict() #: mapping of derived paths to its inputs and processor self.derived_paths = dict() self.tdim = 0 if store is not None: = store @property def store(self): """ The backing data store """ return self._store @store.setter def store(self, obj): if self.check_store(obj): self._store = obj self.update() else: raise ValueError('Store type {} not valid!'.format(type(obj)))
[docs] def get_data(self, path, tidx = None): """ Get the data at the given path and time index The path is first checked if it is in the :attr:`aliased_paths` or :attr:`derived_paths`, and if not the data is looked for in the store. Args: path (str): A dotted path to the data tidx (int): The index for the :attr:`.times` Returns: A :class:`PhysicalField` of the data """ self.logger.debug('Getting data from {} at time index {}'.format(path, tidx)) if path in self.aliased_paths: path = self.aliased_paths[path] if path in self.derived_paths: self.logger.debug('Processing derived path: {}'.format(path)) input_names, processor = self.derived_paths[path] inputs = [self.read_data_from(p, tidx) for p in input_names] data = processor(*inputs) self.logger.debug('Calculated derived data: {} {}'.format(data.shape, data.unit)) return data else: return self.read_data_from(path, tidx)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def check_store(self, obj): """ Check if the given store is of the right type Returns: bool: True if a valid store obj """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_node(self, path): """ Return the node at the given path Args: path (str): A "/" separated path Returns: The node in the nested data store Raises: KeyError: if no such node exists """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def read_data_from(self, path, tidx): """ Data read out method to be implemented by subclasses Returns: a :class:`PhysicalField` of the data """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def read_metadata_from(self, path): """ Reads out the metadata for a given node in the model data Returns: a :class:`dict` of the metadata """
[docs] def update(self): if is None: raise RuntimeError('Model data store is empty!') self.update_domain_info() self.update_equations() self.update_microbes() self.update_irradiance()'Updated model dataview')
[docs] def update_domain_info(self): """ Read in the domain info and create the attributes :attr:`.times` and :attr:`.depths`. """ self.depths = self.read_data_from(self.PATH_DEPTHS) self.logger.debug('Domain depths ({}): {}--> {}'.format( self.depths.shape, self.depths[0], self.depths[1], )) self.times = self.read_data_from(self.PATH_TIMES) self.logger.debug( 'Times ({}): {} --> {}'.format( self.times.shape, self.times[0], self.times[-1], ))
[docs] def update_equations(self): """ Update the information about the equation variables and sources in :attr:`.eqn_vars`, :attr:`.eqn_source_totals` and :attr:`.eqn_processes`. """ self.logger.debug('Updating equations') eqn_sources = set() eqn_vars = set() eqn_source_totals = set() eqn_var_actual = set() eqn_var_expected = set() eqn_var_difference = set() eqns =[self.ENTRY_EQUATIONS] for eqnname in eqns: self.logger.debug('Collecting equation vars & sources for {}'.format(eqnname)) transient = self.read_metadata_from('/'.join([ self.ENTRY_EQUATIONS, eqnname, 'transient' ])) varname = tuple(transient.keys())[0] varname = varname.replace('domain', 'env').replace('.', '/') eqn_vars.add(varname) sources_path = '/'.join([ self.ENTRY_EQUATIONS, eqnname, 'sources', ]) aliased_sources_path = varname + '/sources_total' self.add_aliased_path(sources_path, aliased_sources_path) eqn_source_totals.add(aliased_sources_path) sources = self.read_metadata_from(sources_path).keys() self.logger.debug('Eqn {} with sources: {}'.format(varname, sources)) for sname in sources: eqn_sources.add(sname.replace('.', '/')) tracked_path = '/'.join([ self.ENTRY_EQUATIONS, eqnname, 'tracked_budget' ]) actual = tracked_path + '/var_actual' actual_alias = varname + '/actual' if actual_alias not in self.aliased_paths: self.add_aliased_path(actual, actual_alias) expected = tracked_path + '/var_expected' expected_alias = varname + '/expected' if expected_alias not in self.aliased_paths: self.add_aliased_path(expected, expected_alias) eqn_var_actual.add(actual_alias) eqn_var_expected.add(expected_alias) difference = varname + '/difference' def relative_error(a, b): if np.allclose(b.numericValue, 0): return PhysicalField(0.0, '') else: return PhysicalField((a - b) / a, '') if difference not in self.derived_paths: self.add_derived_data(difference, inputs=(expected, actual), processor=relative_error ) eqn_var_difference.add(difference) self.eqn_vars = eqn_vars self.eqn_processes = eqn_sources self.eqn_source_totals = eqn_source_totals self.eqn_var_actual = eqn_var_actual self.eqn_var_expected = eqn_var_expected self.eqn_var_difference = eqn_var_difference self.logger.debug('Updated equation vars: {}'.format(self.eqn_vars)) self.logger.debug('Updated equation sources: {}'.format(self.eqn_processes))
[docs] def add_aliased_path(self, path, alias): """ Alias a given path """ self.logger.debug('Aliasing path {} --> {}'.format(path, alias)) try: node = self.get_node(alias) except KeyError: node = None finally: if node is not None: raise ValueError('Aliased path exists in store! {!r}'.format(alias)) self.aliased_paths[alias] = path
[docs] def add_derived_data(self, path, inputs, processor): """ Add a path entry for derived data This method is used to add a data path which will provide data based on the `inputs` and a callable `processor`, as `processor(*inputs)`. Args: path (str): The new derived path inputs (tuple): Set of input paths for the calculation processor (callable): The callable that performs the calculation Returns: PhysicalField: The output from the calculation Raises: ValueError: if `path` exists in store TypeError: if `processor` is not a callable """ self.logger.debug('Adding derived path: {}'.format(path)) try: node = self.get_node(path) except KeyError: node = None finally: if node is not None: raise ValueError('Derived path exists in store! {!r}'.format(path)) if not callable(processor): raise TypeError('Given data processor is not a callable: {}'.format(processor)) assert isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list)) if path in self.derived_paths: self.logger.warning('Derived path exists and will be overwritten: {!r}'.format(path)) self.derived_paths[str(path)] = (inputs, processor) self.logger.debug('Added derived path: {}'.format(path))
[docs] def update_tracked(self): """ Update the information about the tracked history of the equation variables & sources """
[docs] def update_microbes(self): """ Update the microbial features from the model data into :attr:`.microbes_features` """ self.logger.debug('Updating microbial features') microbes_features = set() for mname in[self.ENTRY_MICROBES]: microbe =[self.ENTRY_MICROBES][mname] for fname in microbe[self.ENTRY_MICROBE_FEATURES]: feature = microbe[self.ENTRY_MICROBE_FEATURES][fname] self.logger.debug('Updating info on microbe feature {}.{}'.format( mname, fname )) data_path = '/'.join([ self.ENTRY_MICROBES, mname, self.ENTRY_MICROBE_FEATURES, fname, ]) microbes_features.add(data_path) self.microbe_features = microbes_features self.logger.debug('Updated microbial features: {}'.format(self.microbe_features))
[docs] def update_irradiance(self): """ Update the set of data paths for irradiance intensities in :attr:`.irradiance_intensities`. """ self.logger.debug('Updating irradiances') irradiances = set() irradiance =[self.ENTRY_ENV].get(self.ENTRY_IRRADIANCE) if not irradiance: self.logger.debug('No irradiance info found') else: # load irradiance cycle info # irradiance might be hdf.Dataset or a dict linfo = dict(getattr(irradiance, 'attrs', irradiance.get('metadata'))) self.diel_period = PhysicalField(linfo['hours_total']) self.diel_zenith = PhysicalField(linfo['zenith_time']) for chname in irradiance['channels']: data_path = self.PATH_IRRADIANCE_CHANNELS + '/'.join([ '', # for a leading slash in the subpath chname, 'intensity' ]) irradiances.add(data_path) self.logger.debug('Added irradiance intensity: {}'.format(data_path)) self.irradiance_intensities = irradiances self.logger.debug('Updated irradiance intensities: {}'.format(self.irradiance_intensities))