Source code for microbenthos.dataview.plotter

import itertools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from decimal import Decimal

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cycler import cycler
from fipy import PhysicalField
from import numerix as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import Grid

from . import ModelData

# from
[docs]def fexp(number): (sign, digits, exponent) = Decimal(number).as_tuple() return len(digits) + exponent - 1
[docs]def fman(number): return int(Decimal(number).scaleb(-fexp(number)).normalize().to_integral())
[docs]def frepr(number): d = Decimal(number) (sign, digits, exponent) = d.as_tuple() nexp = len(digits) + exponent - 1 # nman = digits[0] if len(digits) > 1: digs = '{}.{}'.format(digits[0], digits[1]) else: digs = str(digits[0]) return digs, nexp
[docs]def flabel(number): try: return r' ${%s}\times\mathregular{10^{%d}}$' % frepr(number) except: return r' ${%s}\timesERROR' % number
[docs]class ModelPlotter(object): def __init__(self, model = None, style = None, figsize = None, dpi = None, unit_env = 'mol/l', unit_microbes = 'mg/cm**3', unit_sources = 'mol/l/min', unit_process = 'mol/l/min', track_budget = False, ): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) self.logger.debug('Initializing model plotter') self._model = None #: :class:`ModelData` self.fig = None self._depths = None self.axes_depth = [] self.axes_time = [] self.axes_depth_linked = defaultdict(list) self.axes_time_linked = defaultdict(list) self.artist_paths = OrderedDict() self.unit_env = unit_env self.unit_microbes = unit_microbes self.unit_process = unit_process self.unit_sources = unit_sources self.track_budget = track_budget style = style or 'seaborn-colorblind', {'axes.grid': False})) figsize = figsize or (12, 6.75) dpi = dpi or 100 self._fig_kwds = dict(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) if model: self.model = model @property def model(self): return self._model @model.setter def model(self, m): assert isinstance(m, ModelData) self._model = m self.setup_model()
[docs] def _create_figure(self, **kwargs): """ Create the figure based on the model data structure. The following vs-depth axes are created by default: * Microbes (for microbial features & irradiance distribution) * Environment (for eqn variable distribution) * Sources (eqn source totals distribution) * Processes (eqn process expression distribution) If :attr:`track_budget` is True and corresponding data is available in model, then the `time_vars` axes is created. Returns: """ self.logger.debug('Determining axes for model {}'.format(self.model)) # if track_budget is True and there are tracked quantities in the model store, then add a # time panel for the estimated budget error on variables assert isinstance(self.model, ModelData) vars_panel = len(self.model.eqn_var_actual) and bool(self.track_budget) self.logger.debug('Creating figure: {}'.format(self._fig_kwds)) # self.fig = plt.figure('MicroBenthos Simulation', **kwargs) axes_depth = self.axes_depth axes_time = self.axes_time xMIN = 0.05 xMAX = 0.93 + 0.05 yMIN = 0.08 yMAX = 0.92 yPAD = 0.04 if vars_panel: # time axes are required num_time_axis = int(vars_panel) # + int(error_panel) ySPACE = 0.15 * num_time_axis # 15% per time axis depth_xspan = xMAX - xMIN depth_yspan = yMAX - (yMIN + ySPACE) depth_ymin = yMIN + ySPACE depth_rect = [xMIN, depth_ymin + yPAD, depth_xspan, depth_yspan] time_rect = [xMIN, yMIN, depth_xspan, ySPACE - yPAD] time_nrows_ncols = (num_time_axis, 1) else: depth_rect = [0.05, 0.1, 0.93, 0.8] time_rect = [] self._depth_rect = depth_rect # axgrid_depths = Grid(fig=self.fig, rect=depth_rect, # nrows_ncols=(1, 4), share_y=True, # axes_pad=0.08) # if time_rect: # axgrid_time = Grid(fig=self.fig, rect=time_rect, # nrows_ncols=time_nrows_ncols, # share_x=True, # ) # self.axError = axgrid_time.axes_all[0] # self.axMicrobes, self.axEnv, self.axSources, self.axProcesses = axgrid_depths.axes_all # self.axMicrobes, self.axProcesses, self.axSources, self.axEnv, = axgrid_depths.axes_all self.fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4, sharey=True, #gridspec_kw=dict(wspace=0.02), **kwargs) assert isinstance(self.fig, plt.Figure) self.axMicrobes, self.axProcesses, self.axSources, self.axEnv = axes ax = self.axMicrobes = 'Microbes' ax.invert_yaxis() ax.data_unit_ = self.unit_microbes ax.data_normed_ = False axes_depth.append(ax) ax = self.axEnv = 'Environment' ax.data_unit_ = self.unit_env ax.data_normed_ = True axes_depth.append(ax) ax = self.axSources = 'Sources' ax.data_unit_ = self.unit_sources ax.data_normed_ = True ax.set_xlim(-1, 1) axes_depth.append(ax) ax = self.axProcesses = 'Processes' ax.data_unit_ = self.unit_process ax.data_normed_ = True ax.set_xlim(-1, 1) axes_depth.append(ax) self.axIrrad = ax = plt.twiny(self.axMicrobes) self.axes_depth_linked[self.axMicrobes] = ax = 'Irradiance' ax.data_normed_ = False ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim(0.01, 100) ax.skip_legend_ = True if vars_panel: ax = self.axError = 'BudgetError' # unit will be determined from data ax.data_unit_ = None ax.data_normed_ = False axes_time.append(ax) ax.set_xlim(0) else: self.axError = None linked_axes = self.axes_depth_linked.values() for ax in self.axes_depth: # on top left of axis dict(xy=(-0.1, 0.98) ha=right, rotation=90) # on top within axis dict(xy=(0.5, 0.95), ha=center) ax.annotate(, xycoords='axes fraction', size='small', xy=(0.5, 0.97), ha='center') if ax.data_unit_: ax.set_xlabel(ax.data_unit_) ax.skip_legend_ = False ax.autoscale(tight=True, axis='y') ax.autoscale(tight=False, axis='x') try: ax.ticklabel_format(axis='x', style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 2), useMathText=True) except: self.logger.debug('Could not set {} axes to scientific notation'.format( # for ax in self.axes_time: # # if ax is self.axes_time[-1]: # ax.set_xlabel('Time (h)') # # ax.set_ylabel(r'$\frac{actual-expected}{expected}$') # ax.set_ylabel('Budget Error') # # ax.skip_legend_ = False # ax.annotate(, xycoords='axes fraction', size='medium', # xy=(1.05, 0.5), ha='center', va='center', rotation=90) # # defer ylabel setting till first data access # # ax.autoscale(True) # # try: # ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 2), # useMathText=True) # except: # self.logger.debug('Could not set {} axes to scientific notation'.format( # self.fig.tight_layout(rect=self._depth_rect, pad=1.02) self.logger.debug('Created figure')
@property def axes_all(self): return itertools.chain(self.axes_depth_all, self.axes_time_all) @property def axes_depth_all(self): return itertools.chain(self.axes_depth, self.axes_depth_linked.values()) @property def axes_time_all(self): return itertools.chain(self.axes_time, self.axes_time_linked.values())
[docs] def setup_model(self): self.logger.debug('Setting model data: {}'.format(self.model)) if is None: self.logger.debug('Cannot setup model, since store is empty') return if self.fig is None: self._create_figure(**self._fig_kwds) depth_unit = 'mm' self.depths = D = np.array(self.model.depths.inUnitsOf(depth_unit).value) self.axMicrobes.set_ylabel(f'Depth ({depth_unit})') for ax in self.axes_depth: ax.axhspan(min(D), 0, color='aquamarine', alpha=0.4, zorder=0) ax.axhspan(0, max(D), color='xkcd:brown', alpha=0.4, zorder=0) self._init_artist_styles() self.create_artists() self.update_legends() self.logger.propagate = False self._clock = PhysicalField(0, 's') self.update_artists(tidx=0) self.fig.tight_layout()#rect=self._depth_rect, pad=1.02)
[docs] def _get_label(self, path): """ Create the artist label from the path Args: path (str): A "/" nested path Returns: A string that can be used as the label """ # self.logger.debug('Getting label for {}'.format(path)) parts = path.split('/') assert len(parts) >= 2 if parts[0] == 'env': if parts[1] == 'irradiance': label = 'env.{}'.format(parts[3]) elif parts[-1] in ('sources_total', 'actual', 'expected', 'difference', 'error'): label = '{}.{}'.format(parts[1], parts[-1]) else: label = parts[1] elif parts[0] == 'domain': label = parts[1] elif parts[0] == 'microbes': microbe = parts[1] if parts[2] == 'features': label = '{}.{}'.format(microbe, parts[3]) elif parts[2] == 'processes': label = '{}.{}'.format(microbe, parts[3]) else: label = path.replace('/', '.') self.logger.debug('Got label for {} --> {}'.format(path, label)) return label
[docs] def _init_artist_styles(self): """ Create the styles for the artists Prepare color cycle and line styles so that entities from the same group get the same color """ colcycler = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] mcycler = cycler('marker', ['s', '^', 'o', 'd', 'v', ]) lwcycler = cycler('lw', [1.25]) lscycler = cycler('ls', ['-', '--', ':']) mscycler = cycler('ms', [5]) mevery = cycler('markevery', [len(self.depths) // 20]) # animcycler = cycler('animated', [True]) artiststyle_cycler = lscycler * mcycler * mscycler * mevery * lwcycler # * animcycler color_iter = colcycler() artiststyle_iter = artiststyle_cycler() colstyles = defaultdict(lambda: next(color_iter)) linestyles = defaultdict(lambda: artiststyle_cycler()) self.styles_color = colstyles self.styles_lines = linestyles self.artist_style = {}
[docs] def create_artists(self): """ Create the artists for the model plotter, and store it in :attr:`.artists` """ self.create_clock_artist() artist_sets = [ (self.model.microbe_features, self.axMicrobes), (self.model.eqn_vars, self.axEnv), (self.model.eqn_source_totals, self.axSources), (self.model.eqn_processes, self.axProcesses), (self.model.irradiance_intensities, self.axIrrad), ] if self.axes_time: # artist_sets.append((self.model.eqn_var_actual, self.axVars)) artist_sets.append((self.model.eqn_var_difference, self.axError)) for data_paths, ax in artist_sets: self.create_line_artists(data_paths, ax)
[docs] def create_clock_artist(self): self.clockstr = '{0:02d}h {1:02d}m {2:02d}s (+{3:02d} s)' self.clock_artist = self.axEnv.annotate( self.clockstr.format(0, 0, 0, 0), # xy=(0.01, 0.01), xy=(0.5, 1.01), xycoords='axes fraction', size='medium', ha='center', color='r')
[docs] def create_line_artists(self, data_paths, ax): self.logger.debug('Creating artists for {}: {}'.format(, data_paths)) label_paths = {self._get_label(p): p for p in data_paths} plot_order = sorted(label_paths) self.logger.debug('Plot order for {} ax: {}'.format(, plot_order)) zeros = np.zeros_like(self.model.depths) # all_depth_axes = itertools.chain(self.axes_depth, self.axes_depth_linked.values()) # all_time_axes = itertools.chain(self.axes_time, self.axes_time_linked.values()) for label in plot_order: path = label_paths[label] style = self.artist_style.get(label) if style: self.logger.debug('Retrieved style for {}: {}'.format(label, sorted(style.items()))) else: sourcename = label.split('.')[0] style = self.styles_color[sourcename].copy() # copy required to not leak dict state across subentities style.update(next(self.styles_lines[sourcename])) self.logger.debug( 'Created style for {} = {}'.format(label, sorted(style.items())) ) assert label not in self.artist_style if 'irradiance' in path: style['ls'] = '--' self.artist_style[label] = style if ax in self.axes_depth_all: artist = ax.plot(zeros, self.depths, label=label, **self.artist_style[label])[0] elif ax in self.axes_time_all: self.artist_style[label].update(dict(markevery=1, ls=':', marker='.')) artist = ax.plot([], [], label=label, **self.artist_style[label])[0] else: raise ValueError('Unknown artist axes {}: {}'.format(ax, self.artist_paths[artist] = path self.logger.debug('Created artist for {}: {} from {}'.format(label, artist, path))
[docs] def update_legends(self, axes = None): legkwds = dict(loc='lower center', framealpha=0, fontsize='small') if axes is None: axes = self.axes_all for ax in axes: if ax.legend_ is None or getattr(ax, 'data_normed_', False): if getattr(ax, 'skip_legend_', False): continue axlink = self.axes_depth_linked.get(ax) H, L = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if axlink: h, l = axlink.get_legend_handles_labels() else: h, l = [], [] ax.legend(H + h, L + l, **legkwds)
[docs] def update_artists(self, tidx): """ Update the data of the line artists for time point Args: tidx (int): The time index """ 'Updating artist_paths for time step #{}'.format(tidx)) clocktime = self.model.times[tidx] dt = int(np.ceil((clocktime - self._clock).numericValue)) H, M, S = [int(s.value) for s in clocktime.inUnitsOf('h', 'min', 's')] hmstr = self.clockstr.format(H, M, S, dt) self._clock = clocktime self.clock_artist.set_text(hmstr) self.logger.debug('Time: {}'.format(hmstr)) # self.axes_all # all_depth_axes = itertools.chain(self.axes_depth, self.axes_depth_linked.values()) # all_time_axes = itertools.chain(self.axes_time, self.axes_time_linked.values()) for artist, dpath in self.artist_paths.items(): ax = artist.axes'Updating {} artist {} from {}'.format(, artist, dpath)) # get the data data = self.model.get_data(dpath, tidx=tidx) data_unit = self.logger.debug('Got data {} {} of unit: {!r}'.format(data.__class__.__name__, data.shape, data_unit)) # cast to units if not getattr(ax, 'data_unit_', None): ax.data_unit_ = self.logger.debug('Set axes {} to unit: {}'.format(, ax.data_unit_)) # if ax in all_time_axes: # ax.set_ylabel(ax.data_unit_) ax_unit = ax.data_unit_ try: D = data.inUnitsOf(ax_unit).value self.logger.debug('Got data {} dtype {} --> {}'.format(D.dtype, D.min(), D.max())) except TypeError: self.logger.error("Error casting {} units from {} to {}".format( dpath, data_unit, ax_unit )) # raise D = data.value # now data D is a numpy array label_base = self._get_label(dpath) # normalize if necessary data_normed = getattr(ax, 'data_normed_', False) if data_normed: Dabs = abs(D) Dabsmax = float(Dabs.max()) Dabsmin = float(Dabs.min()) Drange = Dabsmax - Dabsmin if Drange <= 1e-15: self.logger.debug('abs(data) max = min = {:.2g}'.format(Dabsmax, Dabsmin)) if Dabsmax == 0.0: Drange = 1.0 self.logger.debug('all data is zero, normalizing by 1.0') else: Drange = Dabsmax self.logger.debug('normalizing by abs(data).max = {:.2g}'.format(Dabsmax)) else: self.logger.debug('abs(data) range {:.2g} --> {:.2g}'.format(Dabsmin, Dabsmax)) Drange = Dabsmax D = D / Drange'Normalized {} data by {:.3g}: {:.3g} --> {:.3g}'.format( label_base, Drange, D.min(), D.max())) label = label_base + flabel(Drange) if D.max() > 1.01: self.logger.error('data max {} is not <=1.01'.format(D.max())) self.logger.warning(D) self.logger.warning('Drange: {}'.format(Drange)) self.logger.warning('Original data: {}'.format(data.inUnitsOf(ax_unit).value)) raise RuntimeError('Data normalization of {} failed!'.format(dpath)) else: label = label_base # now ready to set data and label if ax in self.axes_depth_all: artist.set_xdata(D) artist.set_label(label) elif ax in self.axes_time_all: xdata, ydata = artist.get_data() t = self.model.get_data('/time', tidx=tidx) artist.set_xdata(np.append(xdata, t.inUnitsOf('h').value)) artist.set_ydata(np.append(ydata, D)) artist.set_label(label + ' {}'.format(ax.data_unit_)) self.logger.debug('{} updated'.format(artist)) self.update_legends() for ax in self.axes_depth + self.axes_time: ax.relim() ax.autoscale_view(scalex=True, scaley=True)
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draw the changes on to the canvas. This is meant to be called after each :meth:`update_artists` """ if not self.fig: return try: self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() self.fig.canvas.flush_events() plt.pause(0.001) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.logger.warning('KeyboardInterrupt caught while updating canvas. Re-raising.') raise
[docs] def show(self, block = False): if not self.fig: return self.draw()
[docs] def close(self): if not self.fig: return plt.close(self.fig)