Source code for microbenthos.model.resume

Module to implement the resumption of a simulation run.

The assumption is that a model object is created, and a HDF data store is available.
import logging
from import Mapping

import h5py as hdf
import numpy as np

[docs]def check_compatibility(state, store): """ Check that the given model snapshot is compatible with the structure of the store. This checks that every path in the snapshot exists in the HDF store. Args: state (dict): a model snapshot dictionary store (:class:`~hdf.Group`): the root node of the stored model data Returns: True if the structures are compatible Raises: ValueError: if an incompatible data is returned NotImplementedError: for state arrays of dim > 1 """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Checking compatibility with {}'.format(store)) time_ds = store['/time/data'] depths_ds = store['/domain/depths/data'] Ntime = len(time_ds) Ndepths = len(depths_ds) for path_parts, ctype, content in _iter_nested(state): path = '/' + '/'.join(path_parts) node = store[path] if ctype == 'metadata': ckeys = set(content.keys()) skeys = set(node.attrs.keys()) key_diff = skeys.difference(ckeys) if key_diff: logger.warning('{}::metadata has divergent keys: {}'.format(path, key_diff)) for k, v in content.items(): sv = node.attrs[k] if hasattr(sv, 'tolist'): sv = sv.tolist() if isinstance(sv, list): sv = tuple(sv) logger.debug('metadata {}::{} state={} store={}'.format(path, k, v, sv)) try: is_equal = (set(v) == set(sv)) except TypeError: is_equal = (v == sv) finally: if not is_equal: raise ValueError( '{}: {} & {} are not equal'.format(path, v, sv)) elif ctype in ('data', 'data_static'): logger.debug('{}::data comparison'.format(path)) node = node['data'] state_arr, attrs = content if ctype == 'data_static': assert np.allclose(node, state_arr) elif node is time_ds: continue else: try: assert len(node.shape) == len(state_arr.shape) + 1 # the time axis except AssertionError: logger.warning('store: {} and state: {}'.format( node.shape, state_arr.shape )) raise ValueError('Shape lengths of {} do not match: store={} state={}'.format( path, node.shape, state_arr.shape )) logger.debug('{} state: {} & store: {}'.format(path, state_arr.shape, node.shape)) if len(state_arr.shape) == 0: logger.debug('{} skipped because single timepoint'.format(path)) elif len(state_arr.shape) == 1: try: assert state_arr.shape[0] == Ndepths # assert node.shape[0] == Ntime except AssertionError: raise ValueError('{} shape did not match. state: {} stored: {}'.format( path, state_arr.shape, node.shape)) else: raise NotImplementedError('Handling of state ararys of dim >=2') else: raise ValueError('Unknown return type: {}'.format(ctype))
def _iter_nested(state, path=None): if path is None: path = [] RESERVED = ('metadata', 'data', 'data_static') for rtype in RESERVED: obj = state.get(rtype) if obj: yield (path, rtype, obj) for key in state: if key in RESERVED: continue path.append(key) val = state[key] if isinstance(val, Mapping): for item in _iter_nested(val, path): yield item else: print('Got type {}={} at {}. What todo?'.format(key, type(val), path)) raise TypeError('unknown node type in nested structure') path.pop(-1)
[docs]def truncate_model_data(store, time_idx): """ Truncates the model data in store till the `time_idx` along the time axis. Warning: This is a destructive operation on the provided `store`, if it is write-enabled. Use with caution, because it will resize the datasets in the store to the extent determined by `time_idx` and all the data beyond that will be lost. Only in the case of `time_idx = -1`, may there be no data loss as the resize will occur to the same size as the time vector. Args: store (:class:`hdf.Group`): root store of the model data (should be writable) time_idx (int): An integer indicating that index of the time point to truncate Returns: size (int): the size of the time dimension after truncation """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # now truncate the time-dependent datasets to the time-index # if a ds has shape (35, 210), it means 35 time points # time_idx uses the python scheme for indexing, that is 0 is start, -1 is end, etc dsize = len(store['/time/data']) if dsize == 0: logger.error('Store had a zero-length time series! Cannot use this store.') return 0 tsize = ((dsize + 1 + time_idx) % dsize) or dsize logger.warning('Truncating datasets time-dim from {} to {}'.format(dsize, tsize)) assert tsize > 0 def truncate_temporal_dataset(name, ds): if isinstance(ds, hdf.Dataset): if name.startswith('domain/'): return if ds.shape[0] != tsize: ds.resize(tsize, axis=0) logger.debug('{} truncated from {} to {}'.format(name, ds.shape[0], tsize)) else: logger.debug('{} truncation skipped due to same size'.format(name)) # now walk over the hdf hierarchy and resize suitable arrays store.visititems(truncate_temporal_dataset) return tsize