Source code for microbenthos.utils.loader

import logging
from import Mapping

import cerberus
import pkg_resources
from fipy import PhysicalField
from sympy import Symbol, SympifyError, sympify

from .yaml_setup import yaml

# TODO: Allow equation with no diffusion term
physical_unit_type = cerberus.TypeDefinition('physical_unit', (PhysicalField,), ())

[docs]class MicroBenthosSchemaValidator(cerberus.Validator): """ A :mod:`cereberus` validator for schema.yml in MicroBenthos """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) logger.propagate = False types_mapping = cerberus.Validator.types_mapping.copy() types_mapping['physical_unit'] = physical_unit_type # def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # # self.logger.propagate = False # super(MicroBenthosSchemaValidator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _check_with_importpath(self, field, value): """ Validates if the value is a usable import path for an entity class Valid examples are: * pkg1.pkg2.mod1.class * class_name Invalid examples: * .class_name Args: value: A string Returns: True if valid """ self.logger.debug('Validating importpath: {}'.format(value)) parts = [s.isidentifier() for s in value.split('.')] if not all(parts): self._error(field, "Must be a python import path")
# def _validate_type_physical_unit(self, value): # """ Enables validation for `unit` schema attribute. # :param value: field value. # """ # self.logger.debug('Validating physical_unit: {}'.format(value)) # if isinstance(value, PhysicalField): # if != '1': # return True
[docs] def _check_with_unit_name(self, field, value): """ Checks that the string can be used as units """ self.logger.debug('Validating unit_name: {}'.format(value)) try: PhysicalField(1, value) except TypeError: self._error(field, 'Must be str of physical units')
def _validate_like_unit(self, unit, field, value): """ Test that the given value has compatible units Args: unit: A string useful with :class:`PhysicalField` field: value: An instance of a physical unit Returns: boolean if validated The rule's arguments are validated against this schema: {'type': 'string'} """ self.logger.debug('Validating like_unit: {} {} {}'.format(unit, field, value)) if not isinstance(value, PhysicalField): self._error(field, 'Must be a PhysicalField, not {}'.format(type(value))) try: value.inUnitsOf(unit) except: self._error(field, 'Must be compatible with units {}'.format(unit))
[docs] def _validate_like_unit(self, unit, field, value): """ Test that the given value has compatible units Args: unit: A string useful with :class:`PhysicalField` field: value: An instance of a physical unit Returns: boolean if validated The rule's arguments are validated against this schema: {'type': 'string'} """ self.logger.debug('Validating like_unit: {} {} {}'.format(unit, field, value)) if not isinstance(value, PhysicalField): self._error(field, 'Must be a PhysicalField, not {}'.format(type(value))) try: value.inUnitsOf(unit) except: self._error(field, 'Must be compatible with units {}'.format(unit))
def _check_with_sympify(self, field, value): self.logger.debug(f'Checking if {value} usable with sympify') try: e = sympify(value) except SympifyError: self._error(field, "Must be str compatible with sympify") # def _validate_type_sympifyable(self, value): # """ # A string that can be run through sympify # """ # self.logger.debug('Validating sympifyable: {}'.format(value)) # if not isinstance(value, (str, int, float)): # return False # try: # e = sympify(value) # self.logger.debug('Sympified: {}'.format(e)) # return True # except: # return False
[docs] def _check_with_sympy_symbol(self, field, value): """ String that can be run through sympify and only has one variable symbol in it. """ self.logger.debug(f'Check if {value} is a sympy symbol') try: e = sympify(value) valid = isinstance(e, Symbol) except SympifyError: valid = False if not valid: self._error(field, "Must be a single symbol in sympy")
# def _validate_type_symbolable(self, value): # """ # String that can be run through sympify and only has one variable symbol in it. # """ # self.logger.debug('Validating symbolable: {}'.format(value)) # try: # e = sympify(value) # return isinstance(e, Symbol) # except: # return False
[docs] def _check_with_model_path(self, field, value): """ Validate that the value of the field is a model store path Value should be of type: * domain.oxy * env.oxy.var * microbes.cyano.processes.oxyPS The rule's arguments are validated against this schema: {'type': 'string'} """ if '.' not in value: self._error(field, 'Model path should be a dotted string') parts = value.split('.') if not all([len(p) for p in parts]): self._error(field, 'Model path must not have empty parts') ALLOWED_ROOTS = ('env', 'domain', 'microbes') if parts[0] not in ALLOWED_ROOTS: self._error(field, f'Model path root should be in {ALLOWED_ROOTS}') if parts[0] == 'microbes': MICROBE_SUBPARTS = ('features', 'processes') if len(parts) < 4: self._error(field, 'Microbes model path needs atleast 4 path ' 'parts') if parts[2] not in MICROBE_SUBPARTS: self._error(field, 'Microbes model path should be of type {}'.format( MICROBE_SUBPARTS))
# def _validate_model_store(self, jnk, field, value): # """ # Validate that the value of the field is a model store path # # Value should be of type: # * domain.oxy # * env.oxy.var # * microbes.cyano.processes.oxyPS # # The rule's arguments are validated against this schema: # {'type': 'string'} # """ # self.logger.debug('Validating model_store={} for field {!r}: {!r}'.format( # jnk, field, value # )) # # if '.' not in value: # self._error(field, 'Model store should be a dotted path, not {}'.format(value)) # # parts = value.split('.') # # if not all([len(p) for p in parts]): # self._error(field, 'Model store has empty path element: {}'.format(value)) # # if parts[0] not in ('env', 'domain', 'microbes'): # self._error(field, 'Model store root should be in (env, domain, microbes)') # # if parts[0] in ('domain', 'env'): # pass # # elif parts[0] == 'microbes': # mtargets = ('features', 'processes') # # if len(parts) < 4: # self._error(field, 'Microbes model store needs atleast 4 path elements') # # if parts[2] not in mtargets: # self._error(field, 'Microbes model store should be of type {}'.format(mtargets)) def _normalize_coerce_float(self, value): return float(value)
[docs]def validate_yaml(stream, key = None, schema = None, schema_stream = None): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Loading definition with yaml') inp_dict = yaml.unsafe_load(stream) if key: inp_dict = inp_dict[key] return validate_dict(inp_dict, key=key, schema=schema, schema_stream=schema_stream)
[docs]def validate_dict(inp_dict, key, schema = None, schema_stream = None): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Loading definition from: {}'.format(inp_dict.keys())) logger.debug('Using schema key {!r} from schema_stream={}'.format(key, schema_stream)) if schema is None: schema = get_schema(schema_stream=schema_stream) else: if not isinstance(schema, Mapping): raise TypeError('Supplied schema should be a mapping, not {!r}'.format(type(schema))) if key: schema = schema[key] logger.debug('Schema with entries: {}'.format(schema.keys())) validator = MicroBenthosSchemaValidator() validated = validator.validated(inp_dict, schema) if not validated: logger.propagate = True logger.error('Input definition not validated for schema {!r}!'.format(key)) from pprint import pformat logger.warning(pformat(validator.errors)) for path, errmsg in _denest_errors(validator.errors, [], []): logger.error('Error: {} :: {}'.format(path, errmsg)) raise ValueError('Definition of {!r} invalid!'.format(key)) else:'{} definition successfully loaded: {}'.format(key, validated.keys())) return validated
def _denest_errors(D, paths, all_items): for k in D: # print('descending into {}'.format(k)) v = D[k] paths.append(k) for item in v: if isinstance(item, dict): _denest_errors(item, paths, all_items) if paths: paths.pop(-1) elif isinstance(item, str): # full_path = '.'.join([str(_) for _ in paths]) # print(f'{full_path}: {item}') all_items.append(('.'.join(str(_) for _ in paths), item)) if paths: paths.pop(-1) return all_items
[docs]def get_schema(schema_stream = None): """ Returns the inbuilt model schema """ # INBUILT = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, 'schema.yml') if schema_stream: schema = yaml.unsafe_load(schema_stream) else: with pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, 'schema.yml') as INBUILT: schema = yaml.unsafe_load(INBUILT) return schema
[docs]def find_subclasses_recursive(baseclass, subclasses = None): """ Find subclasses recursively. `subclasses` should be a set into which to add the subclasses """ if subclasses is None: subclasses = set() if not isinstance(baseclass, type): raise ValueError('Need a class, but received: {} of type {}'.format( baseclass, type(baseclass))) for sclass in baseclass.__subclasses__(): subclasses.add(sclass) find_subclasses_recursive(sclass, subclasses) return subclasses