Source code for microbenthos.utils.snapshotters

import h5py as hdf
from fipy import Variable, PhysicalField
from fipy.terms.binaryTerm import _BinaryTerm
from import numerix as np

[docs]def snapshot_var(V, base = False, to_unit = None): """ Utility to express a variable array as its numeric value and corresponding units Args: V (PhysicalField, Variable, CellVariable, binOp, np.ndarray, int, float): The variable base (bool): Whether to express in base units to_unit (str): Return array in these units. Ignored if `base = True` Returns: Tuple of (array, dict(unit=unit)) """ if isinstance(V, (PhysicalField, Variable, _BinaryTerm)): # This should also cover fipy.CellVariable and fipy.variables.binaryOperatorVariable.binOp Vunit = try: if base: var = V.inBaseUnits() else: if to_unit: var = V.inUnitsOf(to_unit) else: var = V.inUnitsOf(V.unit) except: import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.error('V={!r} could not be expressed in units: {}'.format(V, V.unit), exc_info=True) raise if Vunit != '1': unit = arr = np.array(var.value) else: arr = var unit = Vunit elif isinstance(V, np.ndarray): arr = V unit = '1' elif isinstance(V, (int, float)): arr = np.array(V) unit = '1' else: raise ValueError('Cannot snapshot variable of type {}'.format(type(V))) return arr, dict(unit=unit)
[docs]def restore_var(input, tidx): """ This is the inverse operation of :func:`snapshot_var`. It takes the output of that function and returns a PhysicalField quantity Returns: :class:`PhysicalField` """ if tidx is None: tidx = slice(None, None) if isinstance(input, hdf.Group): value = input['data'] unitstr = value.attrs['unit'] elif isinstance(input, (tuple, list)): value, mdict = input unitstr = mdict['unit'] else: raise ValueError('Unknown type {} to restore data from'.format(type(input))) return PhysicalField(value[tidx], unit=unitstr)